Castor Oil….Why not?

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I’m no doctor, but I’ve witnessed firsthand the damage Castor Oil can do. I hope I never have to witness a friend grieve over what a selfish family member had done, ever again. I’m speaking on MY experience.

Today’s topic, is Castor Oil. For me, it is a very negative and frustrating thing to talk about. However, I feel something needs to be said. Some moms swear by it, and others have horror stories. What is Castor Oil used for? Basically, it’s made to be a laxative. So, it’s to help you shit your brains out, in a sense. With that being said, some women use Castor Oil to induce labor. Even in small amounts, it can be deadly to a newborn. When a pregnant woman takes Castor Oil, it causes spasms in the intestines, which then can stimulate the bowels and the vagal nerve. It can put you into labor, or it may do nothing at all. The worst part? It can possibly kill your unborn baby. Like everything we ingest, it generally always goes through the placenta, and to baby. So, if it does end up getting to your baby, it can cause your baby to release meconium into their sack. This can be fatal. Anytime baby poops in the womb, it’s generally not good. If baby inhales meconium while in the womb, it can be suffocating. It can cause you to give birth to a stillborn baby, or you may even require an emergency C-section to save their life. In my experience, said baby had a number of breathing issues, and by her breathing in the meconium, she now had several infections to fight off. NO baby should have to fight for their life as soon as their born. As parents we are supposed to protect and defend our children from everything and anything! Castor Oil….why not? This. This is why not. Will potentially ending your child’s life before they’re born, be worth you not being uncomfortable for another week? It’s definitely food for thought. Please, if you’re thinking of using it, change your mind. If your baby isn’t ready, then nothing you do is going to make them come out. Castor Oil is too big of a risk. Maybe your midwife/doctor said it was ok. Ask them if they’ve personally done it, and see what response you get. Before you take Castor Oil, ask the people who have lost a child to it, if they’d recommend it. Do your research before you make this decision. Always do your research. There are so many other safe alternatives to induce labor other than Castor Oil. You’ve made it this far in your pregnancy, I promise you, another week will not break you. Our bodies are made to carry babies. Pregnancy is not meant to be sunshine and rainbows.


I hope you enjoyed today’s blog, and maybe even learned something new.





Love, Lainey & Mommy ❤

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