Baby Dove *Review* 

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*Disclaimer* — This is NOT a sponsored review. All opinions belong to me myself and I. I always base reviews off of how the product performs on or with Lainey. 

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s jump into this review! I’m sure you’re all aware of the new Baby Dove products that have launched a few months ago. Today, I’m here to share my experience with them. As I couldn’t stay away from stalking my local Walmart for them. Cats out of the bag! I purchased the Baby Dove shampoo and body wash from my local Walmart. It was located in the baby section. (Duh). I believe it was roughly $5-6 for each. 

Photo credit : Google

I was a bit skeptical at first, as just because it’s baby safe, doesn’t always mean it’ll perform well. I’ve had my fair share of run ins with crappy baby bath products. (Haven’t we all)? As soon as it was bath time, I was giddy to test them out on Lainey. She has a slight touch of eczema, so I was hoping that this would be the best bet for her dry skin. I was pleasantly surprised that it has a nice, soft fragrance. Not an “in your face” type fragrance. To my nose, it smells clean and a bit floral. Onto what we’ve all been waiting for. (I know I know, get on with it, lady). My first impressions of the shampoo were 5 stars. It lathered up very nicely on her head, and trust me when I say a little goes a long way. I put too much on Lainey’s head and spent what felt like an eternity rinsing it off. When you lather it onto their head, it almost seems like it’s sinking deep into their skin for extra moisture. It was also gentle on her eyes, and didn’t burn. (I know because she fights tooth and nail when I try to rinse her hair, and it has accidentally gotten into her eyes before. Sit down bessie, I got this). Once rinsed from her head, the fresh clean scent was still in her hair even after drying her off. It made her hair extra soft. By that I mean softer than a baby’s butt. Can you imagine that? I absolutely love how soft it makes her hair. I’ve also noticed it makes her hair look a bit shinier. The body wash was just as great. It lathers up quickly and a little still goes a long way. The price point for the products I feel are completely fair. After all, you get what you pay for. After a few days of washing her, her skin did clear up nicely. No more of her patchy eczema. I was so happy to see it working for her. I’m not necessarily a fan of the pump that the body wash comes with, but it’ll work. It doesn’t dispense too much product at a time, but I’m sure it could be worse. The shampoo comes with a normal cap that you can pour as much out as you see fit. I much rather all the products have that cap across the board. Bath time is plenty enough without having to struggle to dispense soap. Overall I’m completely satisfied with my purchases. I will most definitely be buying her more in the future when we run out. If your babe has eczema, I’d highly recommend giving these products a try! I have a mom friend I know personally that has enjoyed how much it helps her babes skin. (I’d also never recommend a product I didn’t 100% fully love). For us, it works wonders. That’s not to say it will work on every single person, as no two people are the same. It’s definitely been a game changer for our bath time routine, in the most positive way possible. 

Photo credit : Google

Just figured I would toss in the photo above, to show just how sensitive it is on your little ones skin. You can’t always believe everything you see, especially on the internet, but this product did not disappoint in my home. With all of that being said, it’s time to end my blog here. If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments below!

Love, Lainey & Mommy. ❤️ 

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