The Menstrual Cup Diaries I

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*Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions belong to me, myself, and I.


Onto the reason you clicked the link. I’m sure you’re all aware of Aunt Flo, that annoying lady who never goes away for most your life…Well, this product makes her visit more bearable. A menstrual cup is just like a tampon, but at the same time, it’s not. Menstrual cups come in many shapes and sizes. There are many brands all over the internet that sell them. You can find most on Amazon. To use a menstrual cup, you fold it up, and insert it in just like you would a tampon. Below is a photo of the many different folds you can use to insert the cup.




Photo cred: Google.



Menstrual cups are made out of medical grade silicone, and fit inside most women quite comfortably. Most cups will have different sizes, which range from those who have given birth, to those who have not. Personally, you could get whichever one you want. I tried to use a cup recommended for women who have given birth, and it didn’t work for me. So when I purchased a new cup, I went for a smaller one. I recently purchased a Luna Cup from Amazon. So far, it is quite smaller than the Diva Cup I purchased first.


Menstrual Cup Bonuses:

  1. Leak proof, provided you insert it correctly.
  2. Easy and painless to insert and remove.
  3. 0% chance of Toxic Shock Syndrome.
  4. You can leave it in 12 hours at a time, meaning only changing twice a day! (Depending on your period flow).
  5. You are able to pee with it, and it will not get in the cup.
  6. No painful “dry” feeling upon removal.
  7. Replace only once a year.
  8. Easy to clean.
  9. Easy to store.
  10. Money saving.
  11. You can physically see how much blood you’re losing.


Ever since using my cup, I have fallen in love with it. I will not ever go back to tampons, now that I have something so much better. It’s also so much better for your body. To insert the cup myself, I usually make sure the cup is wet, as it helps to insert it easier. Once you get the hang of the cup, you’re not gonna be a bloody mess. I know that is a lot of women’s fears. I’ve successfully inserted and removed the cup without getting any blood on myself. Once the cup has filled, just remove it and dump it wherever you’re comfortable with. Upon removal, make sure to pinch the cup itself, and not the stem, to break the seal that forms when inserted. If you don’t break the seal, it will be a nightmare to remove. Because upon insertion, the cup will adhere to your vaginal walls and will prevent any blood from leaking out and ruining your clothes. Whomever invented these, is definitely a genius. You do not feel the cup if it is inserted correctly. To me, it’s feels no different than using a tampon. Once you’re done with your cycle for the month, it’s suggested to boil your cup for 5 minutes to clean it. Once it’s all clean, pop it in your bag and you’re ready for next month! (Some cups will come with bags, I’m unsure if all do. Luna Cups & Diva Cups come with a holding bag). Pictured below are some photos of different cup brands you can buy.



menstrual cups testing annotated

Photo cred: Google.


If I may have missed any questions you may still have about the cup, please feel free to leave a comment and I will respond to you! I hope you enjoyed today’s blog, as it was fun for me to write.






Love, Lainey & Mommy ❤

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