Boogie….what? *Review*

Welcome back to my blog, Lainey lovers! If you’re new here, check out ther 70+ blogs I’ve already written. I’m sure you’ll find something to tickle your fancy.


Today’s blog will be about the brand Boogie Wipes. Some of you may have heard about this brand before, while others may be wondering what in the hell I’m babbling about. I wanted to review these wipes, because I have recently been having a viral cold battle with Lainey. As many may know, Lainey recently fell ill, and has had a super runny nose. That’s where these wipes come into play. I purchased mine at Walmart, as well as Ingles. I’m certain that they’re around just about every large retailer known to man. (Always check the baby sections first)!


*Disclaimer. This is NOT a sponsored review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone. I base my reviews off of how the products perform with or on Lainey.*


So, what are Boogie Wipes? Well, Boogie Wipes are basically wipes that are made with saline. They also have other ingredients, such as aloe, chamomile, and Vitamin E. Basically, Boogie wipes are tissue on steroids. These wipes will prevent your littles from getting raw noses that tissue/toilet paper can cause. I have been using them on Lainey for a week and a half now, and they have been a God send. Not only are they gentle on her nose, they come in different fragrances, too! We currently are using the Grape scent. (See photo below).




Photo Cred: Google.

The wipes are very easy to use, and you get a decent amount for your buck. They range from $2-4, depending on the location you purchase from. You will generally have 30 wipes per package. They do have packages that carry more, though. Lainey’s nose has given them a run for their money, but they really do clean her nose easy and pain free. Generally she likes to fight me over cleaning her nose, and don’t even get me started on the Nose Frida…However, this makes it so much less stressful for the both of us. They’re not large like baby wipes, so they’re small and compact for easy storage. You can also use one wipe several times before having to discard, as the wipes themselves are a nice size. To me, they were well worth my coin. It’s well worth not to require a wrestling match just to clean her nose. I would have to give them a 10/10 on this product.



We hoped you learned something new today, and enjoyed today’s blog!









Love, Lainey & Mommy. ❤️

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